Why books are amazing..


So I just happened upon this image on Pinterest and the quote really jumped out at me. It’s something I have never really given much thought to in the past but this image triggered an internal debate in my mind.

Give two people the same book. It doesn’t matter what book it is, or if they have read it before, just give it to them and let them read it. Don’t guide them, don’t advise them, just let them enjoy the book as they normally would.

These two people will have each read the same words, comprising of the exact same letters. They will have read the same amount of pages and gone through the same journey with the characters.

Nevertheless, these two people, when asked what the book meant to them, will most probably have two completely different answers. This is one of the most amazing factors of reading I have now realised. A book, a story, a poem; each one is what you believe it to be. Anyone can read the words but it is what your mind makes of these words that matters.

Some people love to analyse books, to try and understand any possible messages or morals that may be hidden. Others, just read for the pleasure and are more than happy to simply accept the book for the story that is printed on the pages in front of them. These two different types of people can pick up a book and come away from it with completely contrasting experiences. That is the pleasure of reading, what you make of it is unique to each individual.

Danielle 🙂

One thought on “Why books are amazing..

  1. You’re right, Danielle. 🙂 It’s one thing I find a little tricky about book reviews, as a reader. One reader will see something in a book, another will see something totally different. One reader can’t stand a book, another reader loves every word of it. I’ve taken to reading others’ reviews after I’ve read a book and not before, so that I can come to a book “unadvised,” as you might say, and then see later what other readers saw in it, what they got out of it.

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